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TMT Ep.147: Top Tips to Increase your Spanish Villas Value before listing it For Sale
23 May 2023

TMT Ep.147: Top Tips to Increase your Spanish Villas Value before listing it For Sale

I understand that selling your Spanish villa can be a daunting process. Not only do you want to sell it quickly and for a fair price and quickly, but you also want to ensure that you get the most out of your investment. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best and most cost-effective ways to...

Article 8: A Spanish IBAN….. Why you need one!
10 May 2023

Article 8: A Spanish IBAN….. Why you need one!

Are you planning to buy a home in Spain? Congratulations! Spain is a beautiful country with a rich cultural heritage, amazing food, and breathtaking landscapes. However, before you start decorating your new home, there are a few things you need to take care of, like setting up your utilities....

TMT Ep.146 Buying Your First Car in Spain. Helpful Advice
9 May 2023

TMT Ep.146 Buying Your First Car in Spain. Helpful Advice

It is time for this weeks episode (number 146) of Two Minute Tuesday where I sit in a hot car wearing a jumper and talk about some tips and information when considering buying your first car in Spain……. This is a hot video (especially for me).

Article 7: What is the Cédula de Habitabilidad or Licencia de Ocupación ?
6 May 2023

Article 7: What is the Cédula de Habitabilidad or Licencia de Ocupación ?

The Spanish certificate of habitation, also known as “cédula de habitabilidad” or “licencia de ocupación,” is a legal document that certifies that a property is suitable for habitation by being built in accordance with the planning conditions at the time and meets certain minimum requirements...
