TMT Ep.185 Our Spanish Solar Journey So Far. Update 3 on Living with Solar Power in 2025 in Spain
Our 3rd installment following the installation of our Full hybrid solar system some 3 years ago. How are we getting on and what have we learned in these 3 years. This Two Minute Tuesday episode provides a follow-up on two previous episodes (links below) detailing the installation of a...

TMT Ep.184. Registering with the local Ayuntamiento (Town Hall) in Spain.
If you're living in Spain for more than 180 days a year, there's something important you need to do – register on the padrón! The padrón is a local census that keeps track of all residents in a municipality. It's not the same as an electoral roll, but it's just as important! Your local town hall...

TMT Ep. 180 What is Next for Spanish Property Vendors After Accepting an Offer
Congratulations, you have just sold your property and everything is right in the world. However, once the champagne corks stop popping you need to start looking at the practicalities of accepting an offer and what this means. In this weeks episode of two minutes Tuesday, we take a look at the...

TMT Ep.178 The Importance of a Valid Spanish Will.
It is very sad when somebody passes away and an incredibly difficult time for loved ones when dealing with your estate, especially when it happens to be in Spain. By getting your affairs in order now you will save lots of stress and heartache as well as time. This video acts as a gentle nudge to...