Hondon Valley Homes
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Two Minute Tuesday

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TMT Ep.152 – FIVE Ideas for Days Out in the Holidays

8 August 2023

Time for a little exploring this week. Links to the attrractions below.

5 ideas for a day trip out from the beautiful Hondon valley to explore the area.

1. Relleu Sky Walk http://www.relleuturismo.com/p...

2. Cuevas del Canelobre https://turismobusot.com/que-v...

3. Santa Pola https://www.turismosantapola.e...

4. Elche https://www.visitelche.com/en/

5. cuevas de les finestres https://es.wikiloc.com/rutas-s...

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TMT Ep.152 – FIVE Ideas for Days Out in the Holidays

