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Categories: All For Buyers For Sellers Two Minute Tuesday

Knowledge Base 12: What is the Apostille of the Hague and why is it so Important?

Posted: 6 June 2023

What is the Apostille of the Hague and why is it important if you need to give a Poder/ POA when buying or selling a property in Spain.


TMT Ep.111 The Power of Attorney

Posted: 7 September 2021

So what is a POA and why is it so useful and potentially both time and cost saving to property buyers and sellers alike ?


TMT Ep.56 What is Power of Attorney (POA) ?

Posted: 14 May 2019

In this weeks episode of TMT with Hondon Valley homes Steven talks about the often used process called Power of Attorney (POA). He will explain what a POA is and why it is so useful to buyers, sellers and residents alike as well as what it is used for.
