Two Minute Tuesday
The Adventure Begins: Your Next Steps After Saying Yes to Your Dream Spanish Villa. TMT Ep.179
Posted: 17 September 2024Once the champagne or cava corks stop flying you need to settle down to some of the more practical aspects of buying your dream property here in Spain. This episode highlights some of the things that come into focus immediately after the offer is accepted.
moreTMT Ep.178 The Importance of a Valid Spanish Will.
Posted: 3 September 2024Having a Spanish will is so important and most of all is having it ready and available when it is needed. This video is a gentle nudge to get you affairs in order whilst you can and not burden loved ones in more difficult circumstances.
moreTMT ep 177 Driving a Foreign Registered Car in Spain - What You Need to Know.
Posted: 6 August 2024It is the height of the summer and the roads of Spain are full of foreign registered vehicles. If you bring your car to Spain there are several things you need to know so that you do not have any issues. These depend if you are on holiday or live here..... so find out what you need to know now.
moreTMT Ep 175 If you Moving to Spain, should you Rent before you Buy? The Pros and Cons.
Posted: 9 July 2024If you look on many of the property forums you will see some clients recommending you Rent before you Buy. Is this a good idea or not? In this week's episode we take a look at the Pros and Cons of renting a property before you purchase here in Spain.
moreTMT Ep.174 Legal Help: What a Lawyer Does for Property Vendors in Spain.
Posted: 25 June 2024How does a lawyer help property vendors when selling their Spanish property. Tune in to have all your questions answered.
moreTMT Ep.173 What to expect from a Lawyer when Purchasing Spanish Property.
Posted: 11 June 2024If you are looking to buy a property in spain, you would be crazy to do so, without employing the services of a good lawyer. But where do you start? This episode of two minute Tuesday gives you a quick intro into what to expect and what to look for when getting the right representation for you.
moreTMT Ep.172 Ultimate Guide: 6 Essential Things to Know Before Buying Property in Spain!
Posted: 28 May 2024Buying property in a foreign country in a language you may not understand well is a tricky business, but after watching this short guilde you will be armed with more information to enable you to make better decisions.
moreTMT Ep.171 Shockingly Terrible Tips for Selling Your Spanish Villa (You Won't Believe #3!)
Posted: 14 May 2024Following on from last weeks, episode where we took a look at the worst advice, some of our potential buyers had received, it was natural that this week we would take a look at the worst advice. Some Property VENDORS had received when thinking about putting their Spanish villa on the Mark. some so unbelievable you will laugh.
moreShocking Advice - What NOT to Do When Buying a Spanish Villa. Two Minute Tuesday ep.170
Posted: 7 May 2024Occasionally clients come to us and tell us that they have been on a property forum online and have been told...... or a friend told me that I should........ and sometimes this advice is so BAD that we felt obliged to put things right. So this week we look at the very WORST advice and why you should ignore it.
moreTMT Ep.169 Great Fun Ideas for Keeping Fit in the Hondon Valley.
Posted: 26 April 2024It is not just about sitting by the pool sipping a cool G&T (although it is nice).... If you want to enjoy your home in the sun for many years to come it is worth looking after yourself and with this amazing outdoor lifestyle we are afforded there are lots of fun ways of keeping fit and healthy in the Hondon Valley.