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Categories: All For Buyers For Sellers Two Minute Tuesday

Procession of the Virgen de las Nieves through Hondón de las Nieves. 05.08.2023

In Hondon de las Nieves ion Saturday night we had the Solemn procession through the streets of the village of the village patron saint the Virgen de las Nieves.

If ever there was reinforcement of how lucky we are to call this beautiful valley our home, then this must be it.

(EN) Solemn Procession of Our Patron Saint The Virgen de las Nieves, will be accompanied by “Les Fondoneres”, Authorities, Festival Commission, the “Maesto Gilabert” Musical Athenaeum of Aspe, Hondón de las Nieves Musical Union and the people in general .

(ES)Solemne Procesión de Ntra. Patrona La Virgen de las Nieves, será acompañada por “Les Fondoneres”, Autoridades, Comissió de Festes, el Ateneo Musical “Maesto Gilabert” de Aspe, Unión Musical de Hondón de las Nieves y pueblo en general.

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