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Categories: All For Buyers For Sellers Two Minute Tuesday

What documents you need in order to sell your property

So, You have made the decision to sell your home. When I come and see you I will have a list of questions to ask you and I will also ask to see your property documentation. In this video we will help you prepare by letting you know exactly what we need in order to be able to list your property for sale.


  1. Your deeds the Escritura

I will ask to see the most recent escritura that you have. I will check the document to see that the property is listed as a habitable home and if you have a pool and garage etc. that they are listed on the deeds. Do not worry though if any recent additions have not been added to the deeds as this can all be undertaken as part of the conveyancing process. We will be able to give you advice on this when we sit down with you.


  1.  Licences and projects

If you have built a pool, garage or structural alteration I would like to have a look at the project and planning permission. Also if you have a fin de obras certificate to show that the works have been approved by the town hall this will be beneficial.


  1. Certificate of habitation.

If you have one great, please let me have a look to ensure that it is up to date. If you have an expired certificate I will explain how you get it updated. And if your property predates the certificate and you need to obtain one for the first time I will explain what is required in order to get one from the local ayuntamiento.


  1. Council taxes.

These are often referred to as Suma bills. I need to see you annual taxes for the villa as well as waste water and absuras if applicable.


  1. Your NIE original.

Although I do not need this it may be required by your lawyer for contracts, so best to have it available.


  1. Are you a fiscal resident.

Do you declare and pay taxes in Spain. If so please let me know as this can save you money in the long run.


  1. Utility bills.

As part of the conveyancing process the lawyers will need to change over the utilities into the buyers names and will need the utility account numbers. Your lawyer will also need to check that the utility bills are paid and up to date on the day of completion, so that they only need to retain a small sum for the current water, electric and gas.


  1. And finally.

We tend to find that most clients have a huge folder with all their paperwork neatly filed in it. I do not want to see any of your personal papers but making the villa documentation available for us at this stage can help us pinpoint any areas that need attention and avoid unnecessary delays at a later date.

Please remember that when I come to see you I am there to help. A lot will have changed since you purchased your property and it is my job to guide you through the process from the initial valuation through to the day of completion.

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